Where is my balance?
Probably it is the most being asked question among our new users.
Your balance will be shown on the page “MyStats”.
To see your balance, login then click the button “MyStats” on the
right top corner of main page. All your balance details will be shown.
You may have a question, why my balance is different from my earnings.
Let`s take a look of our prize scheme first. Only the first three
users answered correctly can get the prizes. The first user can get 60% of the
prize, second user can get 30% of the prize and the third user can get 10% of
the prize. Furthermore the prize for general quiz is adjusted by rank factors
as follows:
Rank 10: Gets 20% of the prize
Rank 9: Gets 40% of the prize
Rank 8: Gets 60% of the prize
Rank 7: Gets 70% of the prize
Rank 6: Gets 75% of the prize
Rank 5: Gets 80% of the prize
Rank 4: Gets 85% of the prize
Rank 3: Gets 90% of the prize
Rank 2: Gets 95% of the prize
Rank 1: Gets 100% of the prize
If you still have any problems on your balance, please feel free
to contact us by sending email to satoshiquiz@gmail.com.
Enjoy you day at Satoshi quiz!